The resurrection appearances


            The angel who came to roll away the stone, Matt. 28:2-4, rolled away the stone of an empty tomb. The stone was not moved to let our Lord out because He could walk through solid material in His resurrection body. The stone was rolled away to let the world in. People came to verify the fact of His resurrection.

             The first appearance of the resurrected Christ was to Mary Magdalene, Mark 19:9-11; John 20:11-17.

            The second appearance was to the other women, Matthew 28:9,10.

            The third appearance was to Peter. He appeared on Sunday afternoon, according to Luke 24:34 and 1 Corinthians 15:5.

            The fourth appearance was to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, Matthew 16:12,13; Luke 24:13-35.

            The fifth appearance was to the ten disciples (Thomas was not there, or Judas Iscariot), Luke 24:36-43; John 20:19-23; Mark 16:14.

            The sixth appearance was to the eleven disciples.

            The seventh appearance was to the seven disciples by the Sea of Galilee, John 21:1-23.

             These seven appearances might be classified as personal resurrection appearances to friends and associates.

             The eighth appearance was historical and was documentation for the benefit of five hundred believers, 1 Corinthians 15:6.

            The ninth appearance was for the benefit of the positive believers in our Lord’s family, James, 1 Corinthians 15:7, not a believer before the resurrection, Acts 1:14; Galatians 1:19.

            The tenth appearance was again to the eleven disciples on the Mountain in Galilee, Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:15-18.

            The eleventh appearance had great historical and doctrinal significance. It was the resurrection appearance at the ascension, Luke 24:44-53; Acts 1:3-9.

            The rest of the resurrection appearances were post-ascension where our Lord would leave the right hand of the Father and make an appearance under special conditions. All of these appearances ceased after the completion of the book of Revelation.

The twelfth appearance was to the first and most famous of the martyrs, Stephen, in Acts 7:55,56.

            The thirteenth appearance had great significance - the appearance to Paul on the road to Damascus, the basis for his conversion, Acts 9:3-6; 22:6-11; 26:13-18.

            The fourteenth appearance was to Paul in Arabia to encourage him, Acts 20:34; 26:17; Galatians 1:12,17.

            The fifteenth appearance was to Paul in the Temple, Acts 9:26-30; 22:17-21; Galatians 1:18.

            The sixteenth appearance was to Paul in prison, Acts 23:11.

            The seventeenth and final one was the appearance to John on the Island of Patmos, Revelation 1:12-20.